Global growth is projected to slow significantly in 2023 as continued monetary tightening constrains the credit supply. Tanzania’s economy has performed relatively well despite a challenging external environment...
Trend growth in Uganda’s economy has not been fast enough to create enough jobs with higher earnings for one of the world’s fastest growing workforces. With almost three quarters of young people still...
Paraguay has achieved positive employment outcomes over the last decade, reflecting more jobs and improved average job quality, which together contributed to significant poverty reduction. Firms played...
There is evidence that livestock provide a multitude of livelihood services to farm households. They are a source of food, cash income, draught power and hauling services, saving and insurance, dung, and...
There is evidence that livestock provide a multitude of livelihood services to farm households. They are a source of food, cash income, draught power and hauling services, saving and insurance, dung, and...
With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent independence of the Kyrgyz Republic in 1991, the country's agricultural sector experienced a serious crisis. Due to a deterioration of organizational...