The African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (AMRH) initiative, a multistakeholder partnership, focuses on improving fragmented regulatory systems in the region to ensure faster access to safe, efficacious...
Georgia has been conducting health reform designed to improve coverage, quality, and financial protection. It faces the challenge of providing greater financial protection to its citizens: Georgia’s out-of-pocket...
Health appears to be an increasingly high priority in Azerbaijan. However, more public resources must be allocated to health to guarantee the Mandatory Health Insurance Program (MHIP) delivers on its promise...
Nepal reports better nutrition indicators than the South Asian average, though significant geographic and income-related inequalities remain in relation to nutrition outcomes. During the last decade, the...
Overall nutrition-specific expenditure in Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka remains low, although substantial variation exists among these countries. Given the high rates of malnutrition in these countries...
Despite progress on population health outcomes in recent decades, malnutrition remains a policy concern in Bhutan, especially in rural areas and in the eastern region of the country. Addressing malnutrition...
Relative to other countries in the region, Sri Lanka has invested modestly on nutrition programs and interventions. Current nutrition programs in Sri Lanka need to be reviewed, both in terms of design...
Very few (if any) countries will be able to organize a vaccination campaign covering the entire population, with public resources alone. Partnering with private sector actors is the obvious choice to increase...
Taxes on SSB are an increasingly popular fiscal policy for health. This brief summarizes the latest evidence on SSB tax implementation and effectiveness to support governments who are considering, or are...