This press release announces the World Bank~^!!^s support of development project in Cote d~^!!^Ivoire. The project will include increased power generation, institutional development initiatives in the...
This press release announces World Bank credit to finance community-based microprojects in Zambia and enhance the capacity of Zambian institutions to collect and analyze poverty-related data.
This press release announces the World Bank will provide thirty-six million and six hundred thousand US dollars to help fund a project to improve educational services in the Republic of Togo.
This press release announces World Bank's Approval of Agricultural Privatization and Enterprise Adjustment Credit for the Kyrgyz Republic. The credit will deepen the Government's liberalization measures...
This press release announces World Bank's Approval of Agricultural Export Promotion and Diversification Project in Cote d'Ivoire on June 22, 1995. The Project will diversify and expand private agricultural...
This press release announces the World Bank Support of Transport and Urban Infrastructure Project in Guinea-Bissau. The Project will enhance the efficiency of country-wide transport and transit, particularly...
This press release announces The World Bank~^!!^s credit of two hundred eighty-two point nine million dollars to improve the productivity and sustainability of the irrigation sector in the State of Tamil...
This press release announces World Bank's approval of two credits for Ethiopia's National Fertilizer Sector Project and Seed Systems Development Project.
This press release announces World Bank credit to Ghana, in the amount of thirteen million and seven hundred thousand US dollars. The credit will support the development of Ghana's mining sector on an...
This press release announces World Bank Support of Mali's Agricultural Trading and Processing Promotion Pilot Project. The Project will address key sector constraints to private investment in agricultural...
This press release announces the World Bank support of Uganda's Institutional Capacity Building Project. The Project will establish greater local institutional and human capacity to develop and implement...
This press release announces the World Bank's approval of a thirty-seven million US dollar credit to Burkina Faso and thirty-three million US dollar credit to Zambia to help finance projects aimed at improving...
This press release announces the World Bank's credit approval to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on May 17, 1995 equivalent to ninety-nine million US dollars.
This press release announces World Bank support for Guinea education system reform.
This press release announces World Bank Loan to Kyrgyz Republic for the Private Enterprise Support Project. The project will enable private enterprises to promote their adaptation to market-based system.
This press release announces World Bank support to Benin's Environmental Management Project which will aim at making better use of the Government's capacity for environmental coordination, planning, enforcement...
This press release announces World Bank credit extended to Ghana for Fisheries Sub-Sector Capacity Building Project. The main objective of the project is to establish the long-term sustainability of the...
These press releases announce a sixty-seven million dollar credit for an irrigation rehabilitation project in Vietnam on April 26, 1995 and a power loss reduction project in Albania on January 24, 1995...
This press release announces World Bank support for the Urban Water Supply Project in Sierra Leone. The Project will improve management and operations of the Guma Valley Water Company and expand supply...
This press release announces the World Bank extended a credit equivalent to sixty million US dollars to Zambia. The credit will improve the food security and reduce poverty among rural households by promoting...