We live in a rapidly aging world, in which people who are age 60 and older outnumber children under the age of five. This book reveals large and growing gaps in care for older adults in countries at all...
The world has waited long enough for high-performing primary health care (PHC). It’s time to deliver. Forty years ago, leaders embraced the promise of health for all through PHC. That vision has inspired...
Ukraine is amid a comprehensive health sector reform to transform the current unaffordable and inefficient system into a modern, more efficient, and affordable one. The country’s health system is not addressing...
The Eastern Europe and Central Asia region has the world's fastest growing HIV epidemic. Although still concentrated, the epidemic has diversified, affecting several key populations in many countries...
The ‘Serving People, Improving Health’ Project seeks to improve the quality of health services in selected Oblasts, with special focus on primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases and...
Cervical cancer is an important disease in Ukraine: Among all cancers in females, it ranks 5th for incidence and 6th for mortality. While first year mortality shows some decline, progress in earlier detection...
Diabetes is the 7th most important cause of years lived with disability in Ukraine. Prevalence is estimated at 8.4 percent and there are over 1 million undiagnosed cases. Expenditure for diabetes treatment...
Hypertension is one of the leading causes of preventable mortality in Ukraine. It is estimated that high systolic blood pressure was responsible for 42 percent of total deaths in 2016, which is among the...
Diabetes is the 7th most important cause of years lived with disability in Ukraine. Prevalence is estimated at 8.4 percent and there are over 1 million undiagnosed cases. Expenditure for diabetes treatment...
Hypertension is one of the leading causes of preventable mortality in Ukraine. It is estimated that high systolic blood pressure was responsible for 42 percent of total deaths in 2016, which is among the...
This Second Programmatic Public Finance Review (PFR-2) supports Ukraine in implementing its ongoing ambitious structural reform agenda to identify fiscal savings and to increase the effectiveness of public...
While Ukraine has spent a significant amount of resources on health, its health outcomes fare poorly when compared with other European countries. For example, average life expectancy at birth in Ukraine...
Breast cancer is the leading cancer in Ukrainian females, however, there is evidence of progress with earlier detection and decreased first year mortality after diagnosis from 14.5 percent in 2000 to 9.7...