This issue of the World Bank economic review includes the following topics of interest: is there a metropolitan bias? the relationship between poverty and city size in a selection of developing countries;...
This book examines the 35-year career of Vinod Thomas. He spent those 35 years within the World Bank Group in different positions and in different regions. This book is organized in four parts. First...
This report examines reasons why Kenya and other African trade did not provide the engine of growth that it did elsewhere. During the last quarter century many Sub-Saharan African countries non-oil exports...
This study examines the implications of recent trade trends, and long-term price projections for Sub-Saharan Africa's major exports. Its policy message for Africa is two fold. First, Africa must diversify...
零部件已经成为东亚地区进口和出口的主要活力性行业。1996年东亚地区向全球出口了价值17.8亿美元的零部件,进口的总值则不足1.2亿。零部件的生产占东亚地区制造业出口的五分之一。 两位作者对分析了国际生产分配在东亚地区的性质、规模和动力。为此,他们大量使用了从未使用过的地区内部和跨地区的零部件贸易数据。他们的一些发现如下: 东亚地区的零部件贸易比通常认为的量要更为可观。1996年,该地区向全球出口零部件总额达17.8亿美元,而进口的同类产品仅为1.2亿美元。零部件产业占东亚地区制造业出口总额的五分之一。...
撒哈拉以南非洲必须采取适当的贸易和结构调整政策,以提高其国际竞争力并充分利用国外市场机会。仅仅地区性贸易优势互补的安排无法扭转非洲不利的出口局面。一个更具前景的政策取向应是在最惠国原则基础上大规模削减非洲地区的贸易壁垒。 近30年来,撒哈拉以南非洲国家热衷于地区内整合,以加速其工业化和经济增长。 由于能够获得比以前更全面的关于非洲的数据,Yeats得以对在撒哈拉以南非洲国家之间仅仅以地区性贸易优势互补的贸易设想进行研究。数据表明:非洲地区贸易安排引起的问题比一般所认为的更要令人却步。...
This study employs a new methodological approach that measures production efficiency in changing trade patterns. It shows that the most rapidly growing products in Mercosur's intratrade generally are goods...
A concern about regional trade arrangements (RTAs) is whether the discriminatory trade barriers applied to RTAs encourage high-cost imports from member countries at the expense of nonmember lower-cost...
Exports in the Middle Eastern countries should increase from $800 million to $900 million as a result of the tariff cuts agreed on in the Uruguay Round, according to the author. This represents an annual...
Because many developing countries fail to report trade statistics to the United Nations, there has been an interest in using partner-country data to fill these information gaps. The author used partner-country...
Perhaps the major accomplishment of the Uruguay Round is agreements reached on nontariff barriers (NTBs). All NTBs imposed under the Multifiber Arrangement (MFA) will be phased out over 10 years, and all...
This paper argues that the definition of "manufactures" used in compiling production data for industrial and developing countries is far broader than the definition used for trade statistics. This limits...
It was recognized by many developing countries in the 1980s that integration with the global economy is necessary for economic development and technological progress. Efforts to liberalize trade were controversial...
Many developing countries use preshipment inspection (PSI) firms to counter the adverse effects on their foreign trade of certain pricing and business practices. These firms may also perform some national...
Two objectives of international commodity policy have been to reduce instability in exporter's earnings and importer's prices through international (buffer stock) agreements and to encourage further processing...
Despite their extensive applications in research and policy studies, no product level comparisons had been made between Bela Balassa's "revealed" comparative advantage (RCA) index and indices associated...
In establishing the value of imports for tariff assessment, most countries apply duties either to the cost-insurance-freight (c.i.f.) or the free-on-board (f.o.b.) value of the traded good. One effect...
The debt crisis and declining living standards require careful husbanding of critically scarce foreign exchange in most African countries. But economic theory suggests that smaller countries, which import...
The objective of this study is to analyze transportation costs incurred by Caribbean countries on their major export products to determine whether there is evidence of freight rate discrimination against...