The following corresponds to Output 3 (a) of the Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) Agreement (Report with analysis to inform the client’s preparation of a public policy proposal in connection with the...
This Methodological Handbook aims to provide guidance on the implementation of the proposed inter-institutional coordination mechanism for public investment in Romania. More specifically, the purpose of...
This document outlines a practical approach to developing an integrated data platform, investment map, and other analytical tools to support a newly proposed interinstitutional public investment coordination...
This report corresponds to Output 4, training on public investment policies and developing and operationalizing the integrated investment coordination mechanism, part of the Reimbursable Advisory Services...
Digitization of the public administration is among the five reform pillars of the Republika Srpska (RS) Government. Alongside the efforts of the RS to modernize its public administration, Bosnia and Herzegovina...
This report corresponds to Output 4, training on public investment policies and developing and operationalizing the integrated investment coordination mechanism, part of the Reimbursable Advisory Services...
Effective management of public sector employment and compensation is a vital activity of governments, with broad implications for fiscal sustainability, public sector productivity, and the competitiveness...
This Executive Summary lays out the key findings, recommendations, and proposed next steps of the current report prepared by the World Bank under a Reimbursable Advisory Service (RAS) agreement with the...
Competency management has increasingly assumed strategic importance for Italian public administrations in fully overseeing the development of public services, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19...
GovTech is one strategy that governments have adopted to more effectively respond to citizen needs and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public service delivery. Yet, all too often a government’s...
This paper aims to provide a framework for conducting public sector employment and compensation assessments that can help develop evidence-based reforms. Such a framework is necessary given growing debt...
This EFI Insight note distills the key principles of effective performance management in the public administration from literature and international good practice. First, it presents the objectives and...
This report is part of an ongoing engagement between the General Secretariat of the Government (GSG) of Romania and the World Bank in coordination of public investments. As part of the initial stages of...
The Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) crisis is unique and requires tough policy choices for managing the public sector wage bill to best achieve the difficult balance between fiscal consolidation, protection...
Countries around the world are facing the need to build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions. There has never been a more important moment to tackle this agenda, as countries grapple with...
Skilled and motivated personnel are arguably the most important determinant of an effective government. How does a government recruit the best and the brightest? This Governance Note examines different...
Reforming wage bills can significantly impact a country’s fiscal outlook, public sector performance, the health of its labor market, and private sector development. The public sector represents an average...