La pandemia del COVID-19 llevó a una interrupción de la educación sin precedentes a nivel mundial. De acuerdo a estimaciones de UNESCO, el cierre total o parcial de las escuelas afectó a 1,5 billones de...
Why do some households pay more taxes or receive more government transfers than others? It may be because many public policy decisions have distinct effects on different population groups. Still, policy...
Uruguay faces the challenge of balancing fiscal consolidation needs with maintaining adequate fiscal support to respond to the ongoing Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis and eventually facilitate...
This study looks at the redistributive effects of fiscal policy -- in particular of direct taxation and expenditures -- in Uruguay. This fiscal incidence analysis applies a widely recognized methodology...
This study presents the evolution, present situation, and perspectives of the water supply and sanitation sector in Colombia. The sector is totally decentralized, given local administrators of the 1100...