This report provides evidence-based guidance on cost-effective and energy-efficient cooling and ventilation interventions to improve building-level thermal comfort and indoor air quality for a changing...
This report provides evidence-based guidance on cost-effective and energy-efficient cooling and ventilation interventions to improve building-level thermal comfort and indoor air quality for a changing...
Urgent global challenges such as the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, rapid digitalization and the subsequent digital divide, migratory movements, climate change, rapid changing economics...
Provocările globale urgente, cum ar fi pandemia bolii Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), digitalizarea rapidă și decalajul digital ulterioară, mișcările migratorii, schimbările climatice, schimbarea rapidă a...
Immunization remains a high priority for the Government of Pakistan and an important element of progress toward universal health coverage and resilient health systems. Despite significant efforts by the...
Under the CRF, in 2020-2021, a desk study was undertaken to better understand disability inclusion gaps in disaster risk management (DRM) in nine Caribbean countries. The study found that while national...
Under the CRF, a desk study in 2020 assessed the status of gender responsive disaster preparedness and recovery in in nine Caribbean countries. The study found that while progress in gender integration...
This paper sets out a summary of the survey responses. The survey questionnaire was issued to 179 jurisdictions and this review is focused on geographical groups and country income groups, with 90 complete...
This methodological report aims at presenting the current methodological concepts and techniques, which underlie the definition, delimitation, and analysis of the typology of human settlements one hand...
Skill formation and human capital accumulation are a lifetime process, and quality early childhood education and development (ECED) is critical for ensuring that children get a head start in this process...
As urban growth and development continue at a breathtaking pace across the world, cities are increasingly bearing the brunt of conflicts, crises and disasters, which themselves are growing in number, magnitude...
As urban growth and development continue at a breathtaking pace across the world, cities are increasingly bearing the brunt of conflicts, crises and disasters, which themselves are growing in number, magnitude...
The Second Rural Municipal Development Project poses environmental risks, namely associated with some subproject categories to be financed through a decentralized financing facility, i.e. the Municipal...
This is the environmental management plan for the School Access and Improvement Project in Djibouti, and focuses primarily on the situation of the sanitary facilities at all schools, which is not only...
Although major negative environmental impacts are not anticipated as a result of the Education Sector Management Reform Project, minor environmental issues are expected as a result of the construction...
The Rehabilitation of International Road Corridor Project will result in significant environmental, health, and safety improvements, although potential adverse environmental impacts during construction...
These Standard Bidding documents, and Technical Note, have been prepared by the World Bank for use by the borrowers, and their implementing agencies in the procurement of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and...
Construction of the Kyrgyz Urban Transport Project will involve repair, and installation of underground utility ducts, roads rehabilitation, and upgrade, including leveling, and curb reconstruction, expected...
This Environmental Management Plan has been prepared to integrate environmental concerns into the design, and implementation of the Second Municipal Infrastructure Development Project, and will support...