This volume highlights literature on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) financing that is accessible online, with a primary focus on global and regional scales. TVET is a strategic...
The Education Finance Watch (EFW) is a collaborative effort between the World Bank (WB), the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, and the UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS). The EFW aims to provide...
The Education Finance Watch (EFW) is a collaborative effort between the World Bank (WB), the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). The EFW aims to provide...
Too many children are not learning to read in the East Asia and Pacific region’s middle-income countries. In some countries in the region, such as the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Philippines...
This is the second and last module of a programmatic Public Expenditure Review (PER). The programmatic PER is intended to support the Government of Malawi to analyze: 1) fiscal risks and sustainability;...
The development objective of Skills Development Project for Malawi is to increase access, market relevance, and results orientation of supported skills development institutions in agreed priority areas...
Inadequacies in Tanzania's education and training systems compromise the quality of workforce skills, giving rise to skill shortages, and constraining the operations and growth of formal sector firms in...
The objective of this report is to inform an improved understanding of expenditure allocations and processes, the quality of service delivery (QSD) in terms of inputs and outputs, and educational outcomes...