The rapid transformation of agri-food value chains in Africa and other developing countries hasimportant implications for economic growth and poverty reduction. Policy makers increasinglyrecognize this...
This paper is organized in following headings: how can safety nets contribute to economic growth?; political reforms and public policy: evidence from agricultural and food policies; food security and storage...
The agricultural and food sector is an ideal case for investigating the political economy of public policies. Many of the policy developments in this sector since the 1950s have been sudden and transformational...
This paper studies the effect of political regime transitions on public policy using a new data set on global agricultural and food policies over a 50-year period (including data from 74 developing and...
Mass media play a crucial role in information distribution and in the political market and public policy making. Theory predicts that information provided by the mass media reflects the media's incentives...
This paper is organized in following headings: water nationalization and service quality;mass media and public policy: global evidence from agricultural policies; liability structure in small-scale finance:...
A major problem in the transition countries of Europe and Central Asia (ECA) during the transition was the breakdown of the relationships of farms with input suppliers and output markets. The simultaneous...
Thirty years ago, a vast share of low-and middle-income countries was heavily state controlled. The liberalizations of the 1980s and 1990s had greatly different effects on growth in countries in Africa...
The 1980s and first half of the 1990s were a very active period in the field of political economy of agricultural protection. While the past decade has witnessed a slowdown in this area, there have been...
Dramatic changes took place in agricultural policies in Europe in the 19th and 20th century. In the 1860s European nations agreed on a series of trade agreements which spread free trade across the continent...
This paper analyzes the political and institutional factors which are behind the dramatic changes in distortions to agricultural incentives in the transition countries in East Asia, Central Asia, and the...
In a recent survey of European economic growth since 1950, Crafts and Toniolo (2008) conclude that incentive structures are a crucial explanator of comparative growth rates of the economies of east and...
The objective of this chapter is to document and explain the extent of policy distortions to agricultural market incentives in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) over the past decades. In doing so the authors...
The main purpose of this study is to assess the changing landscape of agricultural protection and taxation patterns in the region. The study is based on the EU-10 sample, plus Turkey, as well as seven...
In a recent World Bank report on the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region's trade patterns, performance and policies, the priority trade policy reforms recommended reducing the mean and variance of tariffs...
The objective of this chapter is to document and explain the extent of policy distortions to agricultural market incentives in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) over the past decades. In doing so the authors...
The objective of this chapter is to document and explain the extent of policy distortions to agricultural market incentives in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) over the past decades. In doing so the authors...
The objective of this chapter is to document and explain the extent of policy distortions to agricultural market incentives in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) over the past decades. In doing so the authors...
The objective of this chapter is to document and explain the extent of policy distortions to agricultural market incentives in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) over the past decades. In doing so the authors...
The objective of this chapter is to document and explain the extent of policy distortions to agricultural market incentives in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) over the past decades. In doing so the authors...