The objective of this disaster risk financing (DRF) diagnostic is to assess Ethiopia’s financial preparedness to disasters and crises at the sovereign, firm, and household level. At the request of the...
In March 2018, Uganda's Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) formally requested technical assistance from the World Bank Group (WBG) to conduct a technical and diagnostic review...
Agriculture is a key sector in Bangladesh, but it is highly exposed to risks. While agriculture is a source of employment and livelihood for nearly one in two adults in Bangladesh and contributes about...
Agriculture is a key sector in Bangladesh, but it is highly exposed to risks. While agriculture is a source of employment and livelihood for nearly one in two adults in Bangladesh and contributes about...
This report presents the findings and recommendations of a feasibility study for the introduction of large-scale crop and livestock insurance in Punjab, which is an essential component of the Government...
Agriculture is key in Bangladesh but highly exposed to risks.The Government provides significant support to agriculture, but currently provides limited support to the development of agriculture insurance.While...
Over the last decades, the government of Brazil has developed a risk management strategy with the goal of reducing the volatility of cash flow in the agricultural sector and the vulnerability of the less...
At the request of the government of Kenya and under its guidance, a team of national and international experts conducted an appraisal of different agricultural insurance options for Kenya.This appraisal...
At the request of the government of Kenya and under its guidance, a team of national and international experts conducted an appraisal of different agricultural insurance options for Kenya.This appraisal...
This report presents the findings and recommendations of the feasibility study for a macro-level index insurance program for the Provincial Government of Chaco (GoC) as part of its natural-disaster risk...
Key policy and strategy documents including the latest Budget Speech for the Fiscal Year 2008-09 emphasize the major role that agriculture can play in poverty reduction in Nepal. The stagnation in the...