Poor public service delivery challenges persist in many parts of the world, but Africa is particularly affected by this problem. In its efforts to enhance public service delivery the World Bank is not...
This note presents lessons learned from the World Bank’s subnational governance projects in three large federal countries - Argentina, Brazil and Nigeria between 2008-2017. The note synthesizes the main...
This note presents lessons learned from three ongoing World Bank PforR projects in Brazil, Indonesia, and Tanzania which were highlighted in the Primer Conditional Grants in ‘Principle, in Practice and...
This note presents lessons learned from the World Bank’s subnational governance projects in three large countries - Bangladesh, India, and Nigeria between 2006-2020. The note synthesizes the main evaluation...
This note presents lessons learned from the World Bank’s decentralization projects in four Indian states – Karnataka, Bihar, Kerala and West Bengal between 2006-2019. The note synthesizes the main evaluation...
This note presents lessons learned from the World Bank’s subnational governance projects in Brazil, Nigeria, and Nicaragua - between 2010-2020 . The note synthesizes the main findings from the Implementation...
This note presents lessons learned from three ongoing World Bank PforR projects in - Brazil, Indonesia, and Tanzania - which were highlighted in the Primer Conditional Grants in ‘Principle, in Practice...
This note presents lessons learned from the World Bank’s subnational governance projects in three large countries - Bangladesh, India, and Nigeria - between 2006-2020. The note synthesizes the main evaluation...
This note presents lessons learned from the World Bank’s subnational governance projects in Brazil, Nigeria, and Nicaragua - between 2010-2020. The note synthesizes the main findings from the Implementation...
Limited local tax revenue and low public sector efficiency are two critical problems of public sector management and key constraints for the economic and social development of many subnational governments...
This note presents lessons learned from the World Bank’s decentralization projects in four Indian states – Karnataka, Bihar, Kerala and West Bengal – between 2006-2019 (see Table 1 for project summary...
The Connected Community Initiative (CCI) supports the achievements of the Europe 2020 Agenda and the Gigabit Society targets. The initiative was established in 2015 by the European Commission, Directorate...