Vietnam's telecommunications sector has continued to expand rapidly, primarily due to mobile growth, and appears poised to continue expanding in the future. In this regard, this paper contains the following...
To fully benefit from the utilization of information and communication technologies (ICTs), developing countries will require private and public financing to develop the information and communications...
The restructuring and privatization of the U.K. electricity supply - was it worth it? by David M. Newbery and Michael G. Pollitt. A retrospective on the Mexican toll road program (1989-94), by Jeff Ruster...
In most countries, telecommunications regulators no longer regulate a static, monopolistic industry that provides essentially a single product, telephone service, but a dynamic, multiproduct, multi operator...
Local telephone service is the last bastion of a still frequently asserted public policy preference for monopoly provision of telecommunications. This Note challenges the rationale for that preference...
The advocates of monopoly provision of telecommunications services have consistently relied on a small lexicon of catchphrases to support their case - wasteful duplication of facilities, uneconomic entry...