The demographic transition changes the age composition of a population, potentially affecting resource allocation at the household level and exerting general equilibrium effects at the aggregate level...
This issue includes the following: gender, poverty and demography: an overview, by Mayra Buvinic, Monica Das Gupta, and Ursula Casabonne; Development, modernization, and childbearing: the role of family...
Presenting the proceedings of the May 2003 World Bank Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), the volume imparts new research findings and discussions on key policy issues related to poverty...
How important to India's poor is the sectoral composition of economic growth? Martin Ravallion and Gaurav Datt Is debt crisis history? Recent private capital inflows to developing countries. Michael Dooley...
This article examines individual, household, and community characteristics that may affect fertility in contemporary Cote d'lvoire and Ghana and the relationship between child mortality and fertility...
Human resources programs are evaluated by comparing the productivity of individuals who have benefited from a specific program to the productivity of similar individuals who have not had this benefit...
Development priorities among human resource programs should be determined primarily on the basis of expected productive returns on these investment activities, arrived at in much the same manner as among...
This paper describes how the composition of the labor force changes with economic development. It considers recent trends in women's labor force participation and the type of jobs held in various sectors...
The final session of the conference brought together six acknowledged development experts in a panel discussion to review the current state of development policy research in their own areas of expertise...
The contribution of women to an economy is in principle no different from that of men. But in practice, the problems of valuation, measurement, and policy inference are more complex and the implications...