This report stresses that non-communicable diseases (NCD) account for a significant and growing share of the burden of disease of Brazil. It offers an overview of the changing face of DNT in Brazil, its...
The mode of payment creates powerful incentives affecting provider behavior and the efficiency, equity and quality outcomes of health finance reforms. This paper examines provider incentives as well as...
A minimum package of public health and clinical interventions, which are highly cost-effective and deal with major sources of disease burden, could be provided in low-income countries for about $12 per...
This paper reviews the major policies that countries employ to rationalize drug expenditures in terms of their impact, administrative costs, and relevance to different types of health care systems and...
This report surveys women's health problems from infancy through old age. It then recommends a package of essential clinical and public services chosen for their impact on female disability and death...
This is the sixteenth in the annual series and examines the interplay between human health, health policy and economic development. Because good health increases the economic productivity of individuals...
This is the sixteenth in the annual series and examines the interplay between human health, health policy and economic development. Because good health increases the economic productivity of individuals...
This is the sixteenth in the annual series and examines the interplay between human health, health policy and economic development. Because good health increases the economic productivity of individuals...
This is the sixteenth in the annual series and examines the interplay between human health, health policy and economic development. Because good health increases the economic productivity of individuals...
This is the sixteenth in the annual series and examines the interplay between human health, health policy and economic development. Because good health increases the economic productivity of individuals...
This is the sixteenth in the annual series and examines the interplay between human health, health policy and economic development. Because good health increases the economic productivity of individuals...