Robust regulatory frameworks are important for developing healthy capital markets. Most current research ends that sustainable finance regulation serves as a backbone for the development of sustainable...
Does issuer composition change as stock markets grow, and, if so, how? An increase in market capitalization may be driven by growth on the intensive or extensive margin. Such growth may also influence...
This brief provides descriptive evidence of the operational and policy responses of the electricity sector in 120 economies to the early stages of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In addition, to assess...
This paper investigates to what extent media impacts political decisions. A viable practical approach to test the relationship between mass media and political actions is through the use of the World Bank’s...
The European Union's Cohesion Policy is its biggest investment instrument. With a budget of 351.8 Euros billion for 2014–2020, the Cohesion Policy accounts for around one-third of the EU budget. The Cohesion...
The World Bank Group’s offering on Good Regulatory Practices is to help developing countries respond to these new challenges, the World Bank Group (WBG) offers a Good Regulatory Practices (GRP) solution...
This paper presents a new database of indicators measuring the extent to which rulemaking processes are transparent and participatory across 185 countries. The data look at how citizen engagement happens...
The 17 West and Central African countries in OHADA (Organization for Harmonization of Business Law in Africa) are proving that collective action is an effective way to address common economic challenges...
This paper presents new indicators for 185 economies measuring the accessibility of business regulatory information. The paper shows that the new data can serve as meaningful proxies for the overall transparency...
This report’s starting point is thus to acknowledge that despite Sweden’s many virtues, there are areas in which it can do better, and the task has been to identify those areas, focusing particularly on...
Business registration remains a complicated and costly process in many countries, hampering entrepreneurial activity and the creation of formal employment. In Bolivia and Uganda, for example, entrepreneurs...
Over the past 10 years, nearly 100 economies have reformed their insolvency regimes as a result of many factors, such as financial crises and to some extent the International Finance Corporation, or IFC...
In the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, there has been an increased interest in the role of small and medium enterprises in job creation and economic growth. However the lack of consistent...