The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and its economic and social effects on households have created an urgent need for timely data to help monitor and mitigate the social and economic impacts of the crisis...
This Guidebook focuses on agricultural labor related to crop production and post-harvest activities on household farms. Future research will explore other areas of household farming labor, including livestock...
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has presented a major challenge for household survey programs. In order to prevent the spread of the virus, governments across the world have implemented...
To facilitate the use of data collected through the High-frequency Phone Surveys on COVID-19, the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) has created the harmonized datafiles using two household surveys:...
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and its economic and social effects on households have created an urgent need for timely data to help monitor and mitigate the social and economic impacts of the crisis...
The note comprises five sections: section one, general principles highlights the basic principles that guided the development of this note, i.e., minimizing the risk of COVID-19 transmission, keeping field...
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and its economic and social effects on households have created an urgent need for timely data to help monitor and mitigate the social and economic impacts of the crisis...
The Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and its economic and social effects on households have created an urgent need for timely data to help monitor and mitigate the social and economic impacts of the...
The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and its economic and social effects on households have created an urgent need for timely data to help monitor and mitigate the social and economic impacts of the crisis...
A gender data gap which is lack of gender data being generated or reported, can make many aspects of women’s and girls’ lives invisible. Lack of data on domestic and non-marketed work, violence against...