How can foreign aid to agriculture support economic growth in Africa? This paper constructs a geographically-indexed applied general equilibrium model that considers pathways through which aid might affect...
In line with the UN Millennium Project more broadly, this report on energy addresses three crucial components: firstly, a rigorous understanding of the energy services that drive and, when absent, impede...
In line with the UN Millennium Project more broadly, this report on energy addresses three crucial components: firstly, a rigorous understanding of the energy services that drive and, when absent, impede...
Cities and citizens; by James D. Wolfensohn. Urban air pollution management; by Frannie A. Leautier. Unknown cities : Metropolis, identity and governance in a global world; by Tim E. Campbell. The new...
These are the proceedings of the Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, which gathers the global perspective of scholars, and practitioners of development policy from academic life, government...
There is an urgent need for a new consensus on economic development. The Bretton Woods institutions are bearing the brunt of the fact that the rich countries, especially the United States, have largely...
In the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith put great stress on the relationship between geographic location and international trade. Smith observed that a more extensive division of labor was likely to develop...
How to catch up with the industrial world - achieving rapid growth in Europe's transition economies (Jeffrey D. Sachs and Andrew M. Warner). How democracy fosters growth: a new empirical approach (Jose...
China's transition experience, reexamined (Jeffrey Sachs and Wing Thye Woo). Latvian banking crisis: stakes and mistakes (Alex Fleming and Samuel Talley). Using World Bank credit lines for bank rehabilitation:...
Education and information are fundamental to success: World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn visits Russia and Eastern Europe (James Wolfensohn). From plan to market: patterns of transition (Martha de...
Post-communist parties and the politics of entitlements (Jeffrey Sachs). Privatizing profits of Bulgaria's state enterprises (Zeljko Bogetic and Arye L. Hillman). Oxford Analytica reports on red conglomerates...
The most important question about Russian economic reform is how to avoid a collapse of Russia's nascent democracy in the face of highly unstable political and economic conditions. The precarious situation...
The contents of this transition newsletter include: China's party congress endorses "socialist market economy"; coastal winds blow inward; legal reform in Hungary; variety of Hungarian taxes; research...
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: state enterprises in China: dealing with loss-makers; possibilities or traps in catching up with the West; Western confidence...
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: stabilization efforts in Poland and Yugoslavia - early lessons; study on the Soviet Union - interview with John Holaen; convertibility...
It is now widely acknowledged that under certain circumstances debt reduction can improve the welfare of both creditors and debtors. Meaningful debt reduction requires an appropriate institutional setting...