In October 2015, the World Bank Romania Country Office commissioned an evaluation of its reimbursable advisory services (RAS) program for the 2012-2015 period. The program included 39 RAS agreements conducted...
Despite the growing body of literature examining the effectiveness of transparency and accountability initiatives, there remains limited substantiation for whether and how open budgeting contributes to...
The Baghdad Sewerage Directorate is responsible for management of the sewerage main trunks, main sewerage pumping stations, and sewerage treatment plants in Baghdad. Each of the 14 municipalities of Baghdad...
The outcome harvesting approach is adapted from the outcome mapping community, with an outcome defined as a significant change in the behavior, relationships, activities, or actions of the people, groups...
Improved capacity of the civil service in Sierra Leone is critical to deliver services for citizens. The government is tackling challenges of poor performance through a flagship public sector reform program...
The World Bank Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) works to improve development results through excellence in evaluation. A key part of this mandate focuses on developing the Bank’s client countries’ capacities...
From 2010 to 2013, the World Bank governance partnership facility (GPF) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) helped build the capacity of Mongolian civil society organizations (CSOs)...
Knowledge organizations embrace a broad range of conceptual frameworks and methods to guide and assess how the capacities of individuals, organizations, policy frameworks, and societies are being enhanced...
This set of guidance notes is designed to support practitioners and evaluators in conducting retrospective evaluations of a capacity development intervention or portfolio to assess and document results...
It is difficult to know if programs have succeeded or failed if the expected results are not clearly articulated. An explicit definition of results, precisely what is to be achieved through the project...
The standard quality assurance and evaluation processes for World Bank investment lending operation projects have often been found inadequate for interventions with training, technical assistance, South-South...
A World Bank Institute (WBI) review of 194 WB operational projects with substantial capacity development components revealed critical issues related to the measurement of capacity development results...
This review identified recommendations for improving the quality of future World Bank Institute (WBI) programs. This review identified suggestions for increasing data quality to support WBI's programmatic...
The World Bank Institute Evaluation Group (WBIEG) conducted a formative evaluation of the Knowledge for Development (K4D) Program to identify program strengths, opportunities for improvement, and demand...
Effective staff learning is of critical importance to the World Bank to ensure that personnel have the best mix of skills, behaviors, experience, and technical expertise for achieving the Bank's business...
The World Bank Group adopted a new Staff Learning Framework (SLF) in late FY01 to align learning with core business needs. At the request of the Bank's Chief Learning Officer (CLO), the World Bank Institute...
GDLN is an international network for learning and knowledge sharing that has grown dramatically since its launch in June 2000: in June 2004, there were 68 GDLN Centers. The network is a partnership of...