The group of 20 (G-20) recognizes data and measurement as an essential foundation for advancing financial inclusion at a global level. The data and measurement sub-group, in its first year, was tasked...
This report highlights key trends, challenges, and opportunities for advancing financial inclusion and presents major high-level policy recommendations for consideration by the Group of 20 (G-20) policy...
In this issue: Making finance work for Africa. Inclusive financial systems. Credit reporting. Payment systems. Remittances.
Firms have employed strategic alliances with other firms to effectively manage costs, overcome resource and technology constraints, and enhance competitive position. Strategic alliances can lead to productive...
Despite more than 25 years of large financial investments and technical assistance programs, access to financial services in rural markets has not expanded at the massive scale and on the financially sustainable...
The authors investigate the microfinance regulatory regimes in Benin, Ghana, and Tanzania, with a view to identifying key issues and lessons on how the overall regulatory framework affects integration...
This study of microfinance in Tanzania looks at how the overall regulatory framework affects the ability of microfinance institutions (MFIs) to become more market oriented and integrated with the formal...