Although Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) urban settlements and mixed neighborhoods have a reputation for endemic violence, many local observers report some improvements in urban safety and security over recent...
This Policy Note presents an analysis of and recommendations on the ongoing renovations of neighborhood markets in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG). It is part of a program of work under the Urban...
This policy note distills work done during 2015 on safety and security in ethnically and socially mixed neighborhoods and informal settlements in Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea (PNG). The...
The World development report (WDR) 2017 is centrally interested in the conditions under which three headline development outcomes (growth, equity, security) can be achieved by improving the effectiveness...
In the wake of the country’s political crisis and ensuing outbreak of violence in 2006, the newly elected government of Timor-Leste embarked upon a fivefold increase in public spending. This initiative...
This paper is one of a series aimed at deepening the World Bank’s capacity to follow through on commitments made in response to the World Development Report (WDR) 2011, which gave renewed prominence to...
This policy note summarizes key lessons and conclusions from the World Bank's engagement in Solomon Islands under the justice for the poor program, which has been active in that country since 2009. It...
Justice interventions in Solomon Islands over the last decade have focused largely on assisting Honiarabased state institutions in the form of a variety of capacity-building programs. This has included...
This Policy Note distils the findings and recommendations of a Study, jointly undertaken by the World Bank and the Government of Timor-Leste, that evaluates the mechanisms used by the Government to manage...
Successful transition from conflict and fragility hinges on the quality and legitimacy of public financial management (PFM) systems. This article shows that such systems develop asymmetrically in these...
This note looks specifically at how the government used Public Finance Management (PFM) policies to help address the enormous short-term challenges of a fragile situation in the aftermath of the 2006 crisis...
This case study examines contemporary experiences of conflict in four contexts: Papua New Guinea, with particular reference to the island of Bougainville and the Highlands region; Solomon Islands; and...
In today's fragile and conflicted states, this process is slow and the trajectory uncertain. Many have achieved a sustained turn-around, but as often they suffer from long term 'shrinkage in effective...
Institutional reforms in contemporary Cambodia are being undertaken in an environment characterized by pervasive legal pluralism the not uncommon situation in which numerous, contradictory and competing...