This report lays out why overweight and obesity is a ‘ticking time bomb’ with huge potential negative economic and health impacts, especially for the poor and people who live in low- or middle-income countries...
This report lays out why overweight and obesity is a ‘ticking time bomb’ with huge potential negative economic and health impacts, especially for the poor and people who live in low- or middle-income countries...
This report lays out why overweight and obesity is a ‘ticking time bomb’ with huge potential negative economic and health impacts, especially for the poor and people who live in low- or middle-income countries...
由于俄国的政府援助随着经济改革的发展而减少,越来越多的单身母亲(面临更大的贫困风险)选择与其它成年人或亲戚住在一起。 Lokshin,Harris和Popkin通过考查影响单身母亲家庭居住安排的因素,描述了俄国单亲家庭的发展趋势。改革前,单身母亲及其子女由于享有政府援助(收入救济、育儿补贴和完全就业保证)而不致陷入贫困。俄国的经济改革减少了政府转移,取消了由公共补贴的学前抚育方案,并减少了妇女在劳动力市场中的机会。政府援助的减少影响了家庭稳定,并使单身母亲面临不断增加的贫困风险。在过去十年中,由单身母亲主持的家庭比重迅速上升,不断增加贫困风险。目前,单亲家庭的比重已接近俄国所有家庭的四分之一。...
The economic determinants of the demand for infant delivery services in the Cebu region of the Philippines are examined in this article. ALthough user charges can be a significant source of revenues to...
Primary commodity prices, manufactured goods prices, and the terms of trade of developing countries: what the long run shows. Price and income elasticities of demand for modern health care: the case of...