The restructuring and privatization of the U.K. electricity supply - was it worth it? by David M. Newbery and Michael G. Pollitt. A retrospective on the Mexican toll road program (1989-94), by Jeff Ruster...
This paper analyzes the financial and operating data (1992 to 1995) for more than 6,300 industrial firms in seven countries in Central and Eastern Europe--Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania...
One of the most important policy questions in the transition economies is what governments can do to speed the restructuring of firms and thus hasten the transition to a mature market economy. The authors...
A new method for auctioning highways. Water privatization and regulation in England and Wales. Designing regulatory institutions for infrastructure - lessons from Argentina. Colombia's gradulist approach...
Reform boosts growth and foreign investment. Nations in transit - 1997 Freedom House rankings. Good policies are needed to make aid effective. The EBRD increases activity : interview with EBRD's Chief...
The Czech voucher privatization scheme, which started in 1991, was one of the earliest, most comprehensive, and most rapidly implemented of all the mass privatization schemes in Eastern Europe and the...
This analysis used firm-level data to measure how the largest industrial firms in five Central and Eastern European nations restructured during 1992-94 and to make projections through 2000. The authors...
This analysis used firm-level data to measure how the largest industrial firms in five Central and Eastern European nations restructured during 1992-94 and to make projections through 2000. The authors...
Some of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have made remarkable progress in privatizing their enterprises by transfering ownership from the state to private citizens. This has created millions...
Some of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have made remarkable progress in privatizing their enterprises by transfering ownership from the state to private citizens. This has created millions...
Entering a higher grade-proposals to reform Russia's education system. EDI disseminates transition know-how. Breeding a new generation of economists in the FSU - Eurasia Foundation President William Bader...
Reforming finance in transitional socialist economies. How do market failures justify interventions in rural credit markets? What makes rural finance institutions successful? Animal health services: finding...
This article examines Mr. Hughes Hallett's article, "The Impact of EC-92 on Trade in Developing Countries", and challenges the reasoning of his views.
European economic integration is proving to be good for most developing countries. Overall, the creation of the European Community (EC) has imparted a liberalizing trend on the trade policies of most of...
The author discusses how East Germany is faring 12 months after the big bang unification with West Germany. The experience with the German unification to date raises the question whether there would have...
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: Angola: the economic challenge of peace; Treuhand in action: the privatization of East Germany; economic transformation: issues...
The contents of this socialist economies in transition newsletter include: Germany: essentials of the monetary and economic union; quotation of the month: Milton Friedman's view; an evolutionary perspective...
This is the twelfth in the annual series assessing major development issues. Economic growth rates among the developing countries have varied considerably. The external environment has had an adverse impact...
This is the twelfth in the annual series assessing major development issues. Economic growth rates among the developing countries have varied considerably. The external environment has had an adverse impact...
This is the twelfth in the annual series assessing major development issues. Economic growth rates among the developing countries have varied considerably. The external environment has had an adverse impact...