The rooftop solar installation component of the Sindh Solar Energy Project (SSEP) created direct and indirect employment opportunities, with a focus on short-term roles during construction and long-term...
The Kosovo Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project (KEEREP) successfully generated direct and indirect employment opportunities in Kosovo through EE retrofits and related activities. The project...
This report presents the findings and conclusions of a case study undertaken under a program of analytical work that investigates the impacts of the global transition to clean energy on the quantity and...
The Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric Project (RRFHP) is located in the Nile Equatorial Lakes (NEL) Region of Africa which is a part of the larger Nile River Basin (NRB) region. The NEL-region consists...
The Solar Hybrid Mini Grids for Rural Economic Development component of the Nigeria Electrification Project created direct and indirect employment opportunities across various skill levels in Nigeria...
The Rampur Hydropower Project (RHP) generated direct, indirect, and induced employment opportunities, improved local infrastructure, and had economic impacts on the region. However, there were challenges...
The Second Rural Electrification Project in Peru created direct jobs in rural electrification and promoted productive uses of electricity. While it had a positive impact on income and job quality, gender...
Rural electrification projects in Malawi generated substantial direct and indirect employment opportunities, particularly in construction and skilled roles. The projects also had an impact on gender disparity...
The report details the steps involved in developing a program to maximize the socioeconomic benefits of an RE deployment. It highlights links connecting the steps and sets out an integrated approach. Governments...