This report represents Output 6 of the Advisory Services Agreement (ASA) on Strengthening planning and budgeting capacity and supporting the introduction of performance budgeting, signed on June 8, 2016...
Shifting consumer demand and accelerating climate change will further shape the agri-food sector in Croatia in the next decade. Consumers in high value markets in the EU and beyond are shifting their expenditures...
Croatia has made significant economic progress since independence, but the global financial crisis has exposed weaknesses in its economy and growth model. While growth has resumed in 2015, income convergence...
Romania’s transformation has been ‘a tale of two Romania’s’, one urban, dynamic, and integrated with the EU; the other rural, poor, and isolated. The reforms spurred by EU accession boosted productivity...
The Romanian government has initiated a complex set of reforms aimed at improving government effectiveness and the quality of public policies. The purpose of this note is to provide input into the government...
The World Bank has agreed to support the Government of Romania (GoR) with the harmonization of public investments financed by the European Union and the state budget, with the wider aim of promoting the...
The Romania Regional Operational Programme (ROP) addresses a wide-ranging set of needs at the level of each of the eight regions, covering areas like urban development, transport infrastructure, social...
The Romania Regional Operational Programme (ROP) addresses a wide-ranging set of needs at the level of each of the eight regions, covering areas like urban development, transport infrastructure, social...
The Romania Regional Operational Programme (ROP) addresses a wide-ranging set of needs at the level of each of the eight regions, covering areas like urban development, transport infrastructure, social...
The Romania Regional Operational Programme (ROP) addresses a wide-ranging set of needs at the level of each of the eight regions, covering areas like urban development, transport infrastructure, social...
The Romania Regional Operational Programme (ROP) addresses a wide-ranging set of needs at the level of each of the eight regions, covering areas like urban development, transport infrastructure, social...
The Romania Regional Operational Programme (ROP) addresses a wide-ranging set of needs at the level of each of the eight regions, covering areas like urban development, transport infrastructure, social...
Economic prospects for the 11 European Union (EU) member states that joined after 2004 started to improve during 2013, as the situation in the Euro area stabilized and domestic policies bolstered growth...
Employment and skills are at the core of Europe 2020, the European Union's (EU) competitiveness strategy, and are decisive for high productivity and sustained growth. Romania has overcome significant challenges...
This newsletter focuses on the EU10 the group of ten countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia) that have joined the European...