This report surveys around 50 cost and benefit studies of past and proposed legal aid programs covering civil and common law jurisdictions in developed and developing countries, large and small jurisdictions...
This report surveys around 50 cost and benefit studies of past and proposed legal aid programs covering civil and common law jurisdictions in developed and developing countries, large and small jurisdictions...
The MDTF-JSS’s Project Development Objective (PDO) is to provide support to strengthen Serbia’s justice sector to facilitate its integration into the European Union. The MDTF-JSS was established in 2008...
Access to justice, the ability of citizens and communities to resolve disputes and uphold rights, is key to attaining the World Bank’s twin goals of eliminating poverty and promoting shared prosperity...
This report What Works? Examples of Empirically Proven Justice Reforms examines theimpact of select judicial reforms on efficiency of justice, quality of justice, and access to justice in India, Senegal...
This paper looks at the structural marginalization of eth-nic, religious, and sexual minorities in six pilot economies (Bulgaria, Mexico, Morocco, the Netherlands, Tanzania, and Vietnam) and proposes a...
Timely completion of criminal proceedings has an important role in reaching the minimum distance in time from the commission of the crime to the imposition of criminal sanctions. The obligation of each...