Field level leadership (FLL) is a values-driven change management approach that mobilizes broad cadres of change leaders across the ranks of public agencies. As an end-to-end staff led process, FLL has...
The World Bank’s historical engagement in transboundary water in West Africa is at a turning point, at a time when the G5 Sahel region faces unprecedented challenges. Therefore, it is time for the World...
The development objectives of Irrigation Initiative Support Project for Sahel are to improve stakeholders' capacity to develop and manage irrigation and to increase irrigated areas using a regional 'solutions'...
The decision tree offers a cost effective, scientifically sound, replicable, and transparent method for demonstrating the robustness of a development project in the face of the risks posed by climate change...
The World Bank has agreed to support the Government of Romania (GoR) with the harmonization of public investments financed by the European Union and the state budget, with the wider aim of promoting the...
The purpose of this report is to assess the climate change impacts on water resources in Romania from an integrated, multi-sectoral perspective, and to recommend priority actions for addressing the identified...
The purpose of this report is to assess the climate change impacts on water resources in Romania from an integrated, multi-sectoral perspective, and to recommend priority actions for addressing the identified...