The authors create a standards restrictiveness index using newly available data on maximum residue levels of pesticides for 61 importing countries. The paper analyzes the impact that food safety standards...
The trade performance of countries in South Asia over the past two decades has been poor relative to other regions. Exports from South Asia have doubled over the past 20 years to approximately USD 100...
Standards and technical regulations are an increasingly prominent part of the international trade policy debate. In particular, there has been considerable discussion of whether standards and regulations...
Standards and technical regulations exist to protect consumer safety or to achieve other goals, such as ensuring the interoperability of telecommunications systems, for example. Standards and technical...
This article analyzes the relationship between trade facilitation and trade flows in the Asia Pacific region. Country specific data for port efficiency, customs environment, regulatory environment, and...
There have been a number of high profile food safety disputes in trade over the past decade. These include the widely publicized dispute at the World Trade Organization between the U.S. and EU over hormone...
Macro and micro perspectives of growth and poverty in Africa; by Luc Christiaensen, Lionel Demery, and Stefano Paternostro. Risk sharing in labor markets; by Arne Bigsten, Paul Collier, Stefan Dercon...
是否可以把实施产品规定和标准看作一种隐性的非关税贸易壁垒,这个问题已经引起越来越多的争论。本文回顾了围绕产品标准和贸易技术壁垒的政策性争论和方法性问题,并提出了深入进行管理和贸易经验性分析的具体步骤。 在多边、地区和全球贸易中,把技术规定作为商业政策手段的作法不断增加。这些非关税壁垒是发展中国家的特殊关切,它们可能使这些国家为满足强制性标准而承担额外成本。许多工业化和发展中国家都表示,它们厌倦那些在其出口市场中的设置的五花八门的、要求双重达标程序的、并不断修改以排除进口的要求。...