Health security has gained importance in the face of COVID-19. It has demanded a relook at the country’s preparedness and response capacities and the need for sustainable financing for health security...
Samoa is one of the first countries in the Pacific to introduce taxation measures to address Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs). The predicted probability of dying from NCDs between the ages of 30 and 70...
Pakistan along with all UN member states has been a signatory to the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 which calls for countries to work together to prevent, detect, and respond to public health...
Pakistan remains susceptible to emergencies caused by a variety of natural hazards. There are two fundamental reasons for Pakistan’s high vulnerability. The first reason is increasingly high exposure due...
The strategy and action plan provides programming guidance through a ten-step, strategic approach to plan, develop, implement, and evaluate SBCC campaigns and other activities, and to build on and continuously...
A ticking time bomb: at 83 percent, Tonga is facing some of the highest NCD-related death rates in the world. People in Tonga have adopted very unhealthy dietary behaviors. Fifty percent of Tongan households’...
This report provides the Government of Tonga and policy makers with a versatile tool to underpin evidence-based nutrition policy measures for improved population health and nutrition. Healthy populations...
Major risk factors for NCDs in Samoa include poor nutrition, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and physical inactivity. Addressing all of these risk behaviors requires multisectoral, multilevel action...
Samoa is one of the first countries in the Pacific to introduce taxation measures to address Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs). The predicted probability of dying from NCDs between the ages of 30 and 70...
This report focuses on the workshop which presented the findings and recommendations of the World Bank report, using taxation to address the rise of noncommunicable diseases (NCD) in Tonga. The workshop...
As part of the dissemination strategy of the evaluation report of Tonga’s NCD taxation policy, the government of Tonga and the World Bank team jointly conducted a series of community and stakeholder dissemination...