This goal of this report is to identify cross-sectoral policy priorities that, when occurring simultaneously, will create more and better jobs in the context of global mega-trends.
Using firm-level data for Georgia, the paper estimates the quasi-elasticity of employment and wages with respect to the share of exports in total sales, to explore whether changes in the structure of sales...
This report provides an assessment of the policies devoted to supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Czech Republic. It presents an original analysis of all national-level SME-related policy...
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) represent a key pillar of the Government ofPhilippine's (GoP) competitiveness and inclusive growth strategy. In pursuit of its ambition to become a prosperous...
The growth landscape of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is undermined by adverse productivity developments and weak private sector development. BiH is still finding a pathway to rebalance its current public...
Jobs are an important part of Cambodia’s story of development success. There are eight million jobs in Cambodia, and eighty percent of Cambodian adults above the age of fifteen are working in contrast...
Jobs are an important part of Cambodia’s story of development success. There are eight million jobs in Cambodia, and eighty percent of Cambodian adults above the age of fifteen are working in contrast...
Jobs are an important part of Cambodia’s story of development success. There are eight million jobs in Cambodia, and eighty percent of Cambodian adults above the age of fifteen are working in contrast...
Jobs are an important part of Cambodia’s story of development success. There are eight million jobs in Cambodia, and eighty percent of Cambodian adults above the age of fifteen are working in contrast...
Jobs are an important part of Cambodia’s story of development success. There are eight million jobs in Cambodia, and eighty percent of Cambodian adults above the age of fifteen are working in contrast...
Boosting productivity growth, especially that of the domestic private sector, is a key priority of Vietnam. The country has been successful in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) and entering global...
This report provides a systematic assessment of business angel activities, and the ecosystem surrounding innovation finance, in the Czech Republic. Based on literature reviews, published data sources and...
The objective of this report is to inform the Government of Vietnam’s on-going efforts to enhance the competitiveness of the domestic private sector and to facilitate foreign direct investment (FDI) spillovers...
The objective of this report is to inform the Government of Vietnam’s on-going efforts to enhance the competitiveness of the domestic private sector and to facilitate foreign direct investment (FDI) spillovers...
Boosting productivity growth, especially that of the domestic private sector, is a key priority of Vietnam. The country has been successful in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) and entering global...