A new generation of skilled, tech-savvy workers. Modernized infrastructure and natural resources sectors. Improved relationships with communities. Stronger local and global economies. Companies can realize...
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to theunderstanding and discussion of how the costs andbenefits of natural resource development are sharedacross society. This paper presents how IFC, as both...
For the mining industry, water management is more than a technical and economic challenge. A quick media scan or review of mining cases from World Bank Group’s Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO), an independent...
There is no doubt that the business environment for mining companies around the globe has changed significantly and the way in which a company communicates has been critical for success. This study has...
Networks are emerging as an important delivery mechanism for sustainable development; however, reliable network diagnostics are necessary to ensuring accountability and quality to donors and stakeholders...
This document provides concrete suggestions for using qualitative methods to explore six sometimes overlapping dimensions of social capital:2 (i) groups and networks, (ii) trust and solidarity, (iii) collective...