The traditional approach to valuing the benefits of transport investments overlooks their wider economic impacts. Traditional cost-benefit analysis of road projects focuses on estimating the value of time...
Rural poverty in China fell from 96 percent in 1980 to less than 1 percent of the population in 2019. Using PovcalNet data for China and a set of comparable countries, this paper estimates growth-poverty...
Vietnam has continued to notch high economic growth post the global financial crisis. This report presents updated trends in poverty and shared prosperity based on the latest Vietnam household and living...
Vietnam has continued to notch high economic growth post the global financial crisis. This report presents updated trends in poverty and shared prosperity based on the latest Vietnam household and living...
在有效疫情防控、强力政策支持和强韧出口等多方面作用下,中国经济活动在 2020 年一季度急剧下滑之后已以快于预期的速度趋于正常。总体复苏速度很快,但并不平衡:国内需求的复苏慢于生产,消费需求的复苏慢于投资。预计今年实际 GDP 增长将放缓至 2%;2021 年,随着企业利润、劳动力市场状况和收入的改善,消费者支出和商业投资将逐步赶上,GDP 增长将提高至 7.9. 这种预测是基于以下假设:在继续开展针对性局部疫情防控的同时,自...
Following a collapse in the first quarter of 2020, economic activity in China has normalized faster than expected, aided by an effective pandemic-control strategy, strong policy support, and resilient...
Economic conditions in China have changed dramatically over the past six months. The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and measures taken to contain it have triggered a combined demand and supply shock...
A massive reorganization of the rural labor market is underway, with workers leaving agriculture in large numbers. The agriculture sector has been consistently losing an average of 4 percent of its workforce...
E-commerce has developed rapidly in China, and Taobao Villages, which are villages significantly engaged in ecommerce, are prospering in rural areas. E-commerce is fostering entrepreneurship and creating...
E-commerce has developed rapidly in China, and Taobao Villages, which are villages significantly engaged in e-commerce, are prospering in rural areas. E-commerce is fostering entrepreneurship and creating...
Thanks to strong economic growth over the last two decades, poverty in Mozambique has decreased and the average household is now more likely to access basic education, health, and housing. Yet, the country...
This paper investigates the effects of multiple weather shocks on household welfare in Mozambique, as well as some of the coping responses and price mechanisms at play. The analysis employs a triple-difference...
This paper investigates the effects of multiple weather shocks on household welfare in Mozambique, as well as some of the coping responses and price mechanisms at play. The analysis employs a triple-difference...
Mozambique has experienced strong and sustained economic growth in the last two decades. Growth of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expanded at an annual average rate of 7.2 percent between 2000 and 2016...
Mozambique has experienced strong and sustained economic growth in the last two decades. Growth of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expanded at an annual average rate of 7.2 percent between 2000 and 2016...
Mozambique has experienced strong and sustained economic growth in the last two decades. Growth of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expanded at an annual average rate of 7.2 percent between 2000 and 2016...
Mozambique is among the African countries most exposed to weather-related hazards. Using detailed gridded precipitation data for individuals' birth-year and birth-district, this study investigates the...
Mozambique is among the African countries most exposed to weather-related hazards. Using detailed gridded precipitation data for individuals’ birth-year and birth-district, this study investigates the...
Emerging evidence demonstrates migration may be used by individuals in the southern hemisphere to adapt to environmental changes. The authors build upon recent work in the region using a similar triple...