Vietnam has witnessed impressive economic growth in recent decades, but it continues to have a large share of its workers in the informal sector. The lack of a labor contract for workers in the informal...
Vietnam’s fisheries sector faces complex challenges, requiring a multifaceted approach for resolution. Fishing capacity in coastal, inland, and offshore fisheries should be reduced to rebuild fish stocks...
This paper describes a new survey designed to collect comprehensive and granular information about required skills and tasks for detailed occupations in Vietnam. The Survey of Detailed Skills asks workers...
Some of the most low-paying, low-quality jobs have been declining and replaced by more formal types of jobs. Yet the growth of high-and medium-skilled jobs has been slow despite a more educated workforce...
Báo cáo này tóm tắt tác động của dịch COVID-19 đối với thị trường lao động Việt Nam trong năm 2020 và đánh giá ứng phó an sinh xã hội để xác định bài học kinh nghiệm cho các cuộc khủng hoảng trong tương...
Vietnam is ranked in the group of countries with the fastest aging population in the world, even more than many developing countries. With the high rate of demand within the population, the pressure for...
This report aims to examine practices in delivering e-learning courses in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Vietnam, and to draw lessons from...
This note summarizes the impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on Vietnam’s labor market in 2020 and evaluates the social protection response to identify lessons learned for future crises. Vietnam’s labor market...
In recognition of the growing inequality of opportunity for ethnic minorities, the Government of Vietnam has expanded the social assistance system to explicitly cover ethnic minorities. However, ethnic...