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  • Developing country trade policies and market access issues : 1990-2012 (英语)

    The study presents a comprehensive review of developing country trade policies and market access issues as they evolved over the period 1990-2012. The main findings are, first, that applied tariffs as...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS6463 文件日期: 2013年5月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Michalopoulos,Constantine,Ng,Francis K. T.

  • Trends in developing country trade 1980-2010 (英语)

    This paper reviews trends and patterns in developing countries' trade from 1980 to 2010. During the 30-year span, world trade expanded rapidly, especially in developing countries in the last decade. A...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS6334 文件日期: 2013年1月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Michalopoulos,Constantine,Ng,Francis K. T.

  • Regional productive complementarity and competitiveness (英语)

    A positive international environment favors growth of the several economies in a given region, but does not assure that the differences in the economic potential of the several countries are reduced in...

    文件类型: 日志文章 报告号: 79437 文件日期: 2012年8月21日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Baumann,Renato,Ng,Francis K. T.

  • The evolution of agricultural trade flows (英语)

    Earlier research showed that during the 1980s and 1990s most of the global agricultural trade expansion took place among the industrial countries and among countries within trade blocs. These were also...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS5308 文件日期: 2010年5月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Aksoy,M. Ataman,Ng,Francis K. T.

  • Integration of markets vs. integration by agreements (英语)

    This paper provides an analysis of the two channels of regional integration: integration via markets and integration via agreements. Given that East Asia and Latin America are two fertile regions where...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS4546 文件日期: 2008年3月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Aminian, Nathalie,Fung, K.C.,Ng,Francis K. T.

  • Who are the net food importing countries ? (英语)

    The purpose of this paper is to update the information on net food importing countries, using different definitions of food, separating countries by their level of income, whether they are in conflict...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS4457 文件日期: 2008年1月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Aksoy,M. Ataman,Ng,Francis K. T.

  • Beyond Transition 18 (1) (俄语)

    EMU Enlargement: why flexibility matters, by Philipp Maier and Maarten Hendrikx. Gains from risk sharing in the EU, by Yuliya Demyanyk and Vadym Volosovych. Postponing Euro area expectations? by Tanel...

    文件类型: 电子刊物 报告号: 40957 文件日期: 2007年1月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Balcerowicz, Ewa,Broadman,Harry G.,Coolidge,Jacqueline,Demyanyk,Yuliya,Dushkevych, Natalya,Haughton, Tim,Havrylchyk, Olena,Hazans,Mihails,Hendrikx, Maarten,Jurzyk, Emilia,Kaminski, Bartlomiej,Kisunko,Gregory,Liwinski, Jacek,Lokshin,Michael M.,Maier, Philipp,Malova, Darina,Ng,Francis K. T.,Paci,Pierella,Ross, Tanel,Sajaia,Zurab,Stoilkova,Maria M.,Tiongson,Erwin H. R.,Volosovych, Vadym,Walewski, Mateusz,Wilson,John Martin,Luo,Xubei,Yakovlev, Evgeny,Zelenyuk, Valentin,Zhuravskaya,Ekaterina

  • Beyond Transition 18 (1) (英语)

    EMU Enlargement: why flexibility matters, by Philipp Maier and Maarten Hendrikx. Gains from risk sharing in the EU, by Yuliya Demyanyk and Vadym Volosovych. Postponing Euro area expectations? by Tanel...

    文件类型: 电子刊物 报告号: 40957 文件日期: 2007年1月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Balcerowicz, Ewa,Broadman,Harry G.,Coolidge,Jacqueline,Demyanyk,Yuliya,Dushkevych, Natalya,Haughton, Tim,Havrylchyk, Olena,Hazans,Mihails,Hendrikx, Maarten,Jurzyk, Emilia,Kaminski, Bartlomiej,Kisunko,Gregory,Liwinski, Jacek,Lokshin,Michael M.,Maier, Philipp,Malova, Darina,Ng,Francis K. T.,Paci,Pierella,Ross, Tanel,Sajaia,Zurab,Stoilkova,Maria M.,Tiongson,Erwin H. R.,Volosovych, Vadym,Walewski, Mateusz,Wilson,John Martin,Luo,Xubei,Yakovlev, Evgeny,Zelenyuk, Valentin,Zhuravskaya,Ekaterina

  • Turkey's evolving trade integration into Pan-European markets (英语)

    This is an empirical paper seeking to identify the mode of Turkey's integration into global markets in general, and pan-European markets in particular, as revealed in its trade performance. The analysis...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS3908 文件日期: 2006年5月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Kaminski, Bartlomiej,Ng,Francis K. T.

  • Bulgaria's integration into the Pan-European economy and industrial restructuring (英语)

    This paper looks at Bulgaria's industrial restructuring through the lenses of its evolving specialization in international division of labor and integration into international markets with a special emphasis...

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS3863 文件日期: 2006年3月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Kaminski, Bartlomiej,Ng,Francis K. T.

  • Kenya - export prospects and problems (英语)

    This report examines reasons why Kenya and other African trade did not provide the engine of growth that it did elsewhere. During the last quarter century many Sub-Saharan African countries non-oil exports...

    文件类型: 工作文件(编号系列) 报告号: 34993 文件日期: 2005年10月1日 披露方式: Disclosed 作者: Ng,Francis K. T.,Yeats,Alexander James

  • 罗马尼亚与欧洲市场的一体化:对目前出口繁荣的可持续性的影响 (英语)

    尽管罗马尼亚的结构改革业绩平平,外国直接投资(FDI)流入也相对较少,但该国的出口在经历了四年的疲弱增长之后,自2000年以来在欧盟和非欧盟市场展示了惊人的良好业绩。虽然可以轻而易举地说明1992–95年间第一阶段的增长是废除了国家的外贸垄断并开放了其它政策领域之后贸易转向欧盟的结果,但第二阶段的出口增长则提出了有关其动力和可持续性的问题。 在考察了罗马尼亚的整体外贸业绩、专业化产生模式、在欧盟朝阳市场中的竞争力、与欧盟贸易的要素密集度变化、以及“内部产品”贸易之后,Kaminski和Ng的结论是,罗马尼亚的出口已经实现了多元化,反映了产业结构调整方面的巨大进步。FDI的流入推动了结构调整,尽管它们似乎少得不足以产生这种重大影响。罗马尼亚的企业日益成为国际生产网络和传统全球价值链的一个组成部分。这种业绩的可持续性取决于保持宏观经济稳定并继续使工资增长与生产率增长相一致,以及通过改善商业环境和推动贸易便利化,提高罗马尼亚吸引FDI流入的能力。

    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS3451 文件日期: 2004年11月1日 披露方式: 作者: Kaminski, Bartlomiej,Ng,Francis K. T.

  • The World Bank economic review 18 (2) (英语)

    Do macroeconomics crises always slow human capital accumulations? By Nobert R. Schady. The distribution of income shocks during crises: an application of quantile analysis to Mexico, 1992-95, by William...

    文件类型: 出版 报告号: 30182 文件日期: 2004年1月1日 披露方式: 作者: Blunch,Niels-Hugo,Bosch Mossi,Mariano,Cranfield,John Andrea Lionel,Cunningham, Wendy V.,Hertel,Thomas W.,Hoekman,Bernard M.,Ivanic,Maros,Kaufman, Daniel,Kraay,Aart C.,Maloney,William F.,Mastruzzi,Massimo,Ng,Francis K. T.,Olarreaga,Marcelo,Preckel,Paul V.,Schady, Nobert R.,Verner,Dorte

  • 东亚的主要贸易趋势:它们对地区性合作与增长有什么意义? (英语)


    文件类型: 政策研究报告 报告号: WPS3084 文件日期: 2003年6月30日 披露方式: 作者: Ng,Francis K. T.,Yeats,Alexander James

  • What can Africa expect from its traditional exports? (英语)

    This study examines the implications of recent trade trends, and long-term price projections for Sub-Saharan Africa's major exports. Its policy message for Africa is two fold. First, Africa must diversify...

    文件类型: 工作文件(编号系列) 报告号: 23669 文件日期: 2002年2月28日 披露方式: 作者: Ng,Francis K. T.,Yeats,Alexander James