Kampala faces a wide array of hazards that hinder economic growth and opportunity. Flooding, fires, human epidemics, air pollution, environmental degradation, building collapses, earthquakes, erosion...
The Disaster Resilient and Responsive Public Financial Management (DRR-PFM) Assessment is designed to help countries strengthen the capability of their Public Financial Management (PFM) systems to prepare...
Japan’s cultural heritage (CH) is among the richest in the world, but the country is faced with some of the most difficult challenges in its exposure to hazards. With earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis...
In Uzbekistan, authorities instituted strong health and social distancing measures in March to contain local transmission of COVID-19, with national and international flights being cancelled. This has...
Cultural heritage reflects the knowledge and history passed down through a society from one generation to another. In the region, where poverty and inequality are the main drivers of risk, heritage plays...
In 2018, the World Bank and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) jointly issued a position paper on Culture in City Reconstruction and Recovery (CURE), reflecting...
Every year, approximately 70,000 people die worldwide from natural disasters. Most of these deaths are caused by building collapse during earthquakes, and the great majority occur in developing countries...
On May 8–12, 2017, the World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Hub in Tokyo and the Resilient Transport Community of Practice (CoP) hosted a week-long Technical Knowledge Exchange (TKX) in Tokyo that...
The technical deep dive (TDD) on resilient cultural heritage and tourism (CHT) was held in April 2017 in Tokyo and Kyoto, and brought together officials from nine developing countries, along with World...
The Technical Deep Dive (TDD) on Hydromet Services for Early Warning was held on September 12–15, 2016, in Tokyo. The TDD allowed developing country clients to learn from Japan’s approach to hydrological...
The first technical deep dive (TDD) on integrated urban flood risk management (IUFRM) was held on April 18 to 21, 2016. It was co-organized by the World Bank disaster risk management Hub, Tokyo, and the...