This analysis conducts dynamic simulations to determine how major variables interact across sectors. Changes in growth performance, more than anything else, were responsible for the sharp drops in aggregate...
This paper attempts to shed some light on exchange rate management options in Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand on the basis of quantitative findings based on macroeconomic models. The econometric...
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate Korea's macroeconomic prospects and major policy issues for the next decade. After reviewing the intial conditions, the report examines growth strategies, and prospects...
Korea, in its pursuance of an export-oriented growth strategy, was gravely hit by the two oil price shocks in the 1970s, but overcame the difficulties with fairly successful adjustment policies. This paper...
This paper analyzes the successful stabilization of the Korean economy. In particular, we examine the main variables that have contributed to the deceleration of inflation. For this purpose, we formulate...