Although global economic activity is recovering and output in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) is expected to grow in 2021, containing COVID-19 remains a challenge in the region. Enterprise survey data for...
The March 2021 update to PovcalNet involves several changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. Some welfare aggregates have been changed for improved harmonization, and the CPI, national...
Although global economic activity is recovering and output in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) is expected to grow in 2021, containing COVID-19 remains a challenge in the region. Enterprise survey data for...
The March 2020 update to PovcalNet involves several changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. Some welfare aggregates have been changed for improved harmonization, and some of the CPI...
Measuring and comparing the levels of household welfare and poverty in a country require cost-of-living differences across regions to be properly adjusted. In measuring the spatial cost of living, the...
This study aims to answer a simple question: what the impact on poverty rates due changes in consumer prices because of changes in market structure of selected goods in Russia will be. It uses WELCOM (Welfare...
The March 2019 update to PovcalNet involves several changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. Some welfare aggregates have been changed for improved harmonization, and the national accounts...
Agriculture is a vital sector in the Gambia. It accounts for about 17.8 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), ranking behind the services sector, which recorded 68.8 percent of GDP. Employment in agriculture...
Located in West Africa, and The Gambia is the smallest country in mainland Africa. It stretches 400 kilometers along the Gambia River. Its sole neighbor is Senegal, with the remainder of the country bordering...
The objective of this report is to expand our knowledge of the employment challenges facing individuals in The Gambia. The Integrated Household Survey (IHS) 2015/16 on consumption, expenditure, and poverty...
Banjul has the highest number of primary school graduates, well above the national level. Kuntaur recorded the highest increase of school attending children (from 79 percent in 2010 to 91.7 in 2015). Basse...
The combination of falling child mortality and high fertility rate led to annual population growth of 3 percent (4.1 percent in urban areas, 1.3 percent in rural areas) and rise in young dependency as...
This report documents the creation of the poverty map by combining the Integrated Household Survey 2015-16 with the 2013 Population and Housing Census. Monetary indicators are presented at three administrative...
The September 2018 update to PovcalNet involves several changes to the dataunderlying the global poverty estimates. Some welfare aggregates have been changed forimproved harmonization, and some of the...
The April 2018 update to PovcalNet involves several changes to the data underlying the global poverty estimates. Some welfare aggregates have been changed for improved harmonization, some surveys have...
The structure of this report is organized into 10 sections. Following the Introduction, section two discusses the country context in terms of demographic trends and potential dividends and the fiscal space...
This report provides a dynamic poverty assessment of Mauritania between 2008 and 2014, the time period included between the last two household budget surveys (the Enquête Permanente sur les Conditions...
In much of the developing world, the demand for high frequency quality household data for poverty monitoring and program design far outstrips the capacity of the statistics bureau to provide such data...
In much of the developing world, the demand for high frequency quality household data for poverty monitoring and program design far outstrips the capacity of the statistics bureau to provide such data...