The study reveals substantial vulnerabilities and exclusion of this population; key constraints toeducation, training, and employment; and insights for the design and delivery of programming to improve...
The development objective of Women’ s Economic Empowerment Project for Afghanistan is to increase women's participation in business support services and income-generating activities in pilot areas of Afghanistan...
This paper studies the role of social-emotional or psychological capital in determining the education and employment aspirations of adolescent girls and young women in India. The study finds that girls'...
Gender-based violence (GBV) is widespread, with adverse repercussions for individual wellbeing and development more broadly. Yet, knowledge on what works to prevent GBV is limited. Drawing on lessons from...
Gender inequality is a major part of the global jobs challenge. Appropriate responses require leveling the playing field and creating the types of jobs that can empower women. Gender inequality in the...
Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) is a pervasive global problem. It is a violation of basic human rights and a drag on development. Much of the research to-date on the topic-including a major recent...
This is the fifth edition of The World Bank Legal Review, which highlights the breadth of reach of the rule of law and, most critically, its centrality to development. This volume is made up of 32 chapters...
Despite advances in gender equality, women and girls still face disadvantages and limits on their agency. Men and boys can be key stakeholders and allies to increase women's agency. This paper focuses...