This study analyzes how Rwanda fought administrative corruption in the public sector over the last two decades. The focus on administrative corruption in the public sector is dictated by the difficulty...
This edition’s forecast of Rwanda’s economic growth for 2019 is revised upward from the 7.8 percent projected in the REU14 to 8.5 percent. The stronger growth is driven mostly by the unexpected magnitude...
In 2018, the economy expanded at a brisk pace - Rwanda's 8.6 percent growth was the highest onthe continent. Growth was broad-based. Recovering from the droughts of 2016 and 2017, agricultureexpanded by...
Rwanda has made unsurmountable strides along its development path. Today, job creation lies at the heart of Rwanda’s development challenge. The Government of Rwanda (GoR) recognizes the urgency of creating...
In the first half of 2018, the economy continued to expand at a brisk pace, well on track for Rwanda to achieve 7.2 percent growth in 2018. GDP growth was 8.6 percent, following 9.3 percent growth in the...
The objective of this review is to synthesize existing evaluative evidence and generate new evidence on the quality of the Results Frameworks (RFs) of development policy operations (DPOs). The study is...
Integration of knowledge with lending is an enduring theme in World Bank strategies at the corporate and country levels. It rests on the widely shared proposition that Bank lending instruments could be...
The report is part of a series of learning products with limited objectives geared towards synthesizing existing knowledge as well as learning and gaining new insights into the factors that influence design...