Digital technologies are paving the way for economic growth and new service delivery models across Africa. On key digital indicators, Botswana fares similarly or better than regional neighbors, but is...
This report highlights six strategies to cultivate emotional resilience among youth, drawn from discussion with global experts and practitioners of youth employment programs. These strategies include:...
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the world was living a learning crisis. Before the pandemic, 258 million children and youth of primary- and secondary-school age were out of school. And low schooling...
Digital skills constitute one of the five foundational pillars of the Digital Economy for Africa (DE4A) initiative, launched by the World Bank, and are needed to mobilize digital innovations to transform...
The World Bank and the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) of Romania through the National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (NCTVETD) signed an Advisory Services...
Moldovan employers voice concerns that workers’ low levels of socioemotional capabilities, such as poor work ethics, lack of motivation, and limited problem-solving skills, are among the major constraints...
The purpose of this report on Uzbekistan Education Sector Analysis (ESA) is to provide a current and comprehensive stocktaking of the outcomes of Uzbekistan’s education system and the challenges faced...
Moldova, like many other countries in the region, is facing rapid economic and demographic transitions. Employers report that inadequate levels of workforce skills hamper their productivity. Recognizing...
Moldova, like many other countries in the region, is facing rapid economic and demographic transitions. Employers report that inadequate levels of workforce skills hamper their productivity. Recognizing...
Under the SABER initiative, the Workforce Development (WfD) team designed a diagnostic tool that systematically documents policies, public institutions and practices that affect the performance of technical...
The ‘Skills Towards Employment and Productivity Employer Survey’ (or STEP Employer Survey) provides new and important insights into measuring the transversal skill sets valued by employers. The STEP Employer...
Education and training systems have a vast potential to transform lives and contribute to economic growth. This potential can only be realized under a high-quality education and training services that...
The World Bank and the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) of Romania through the National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (NCTVETD) signed an Advisory Services...