The Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) has taken its first steps towards the introduction of strategic purchasing of healthcare services with a pilot that was introduced for the first time as part...
La Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) ha dado los primeros pasos hacia la compra estratégica de servicios de salud con una fase piloto que se introdujo por primera vez como parte del presupuesto...
In the wake of the pandemic, the greatest obstacle to COVID-19 vaccination in the Caribbean is vaccine acceptance and uptake rather than supply. Social media surveys were conducted in three Caribbean countries...
According to World Health Organization (WHO) Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022, 83 percent of deaths in Grenada are from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and there is 23 percent probability...
Globally, countries did not meet the goal of the World Health Organization (WHO) of reaching 70 percent coverage of vaccination against COVID-19 by June 2022. In July 2022, the WHO updated its COVID-19...
Para apoyar a fortalecer sus capacidades de prevención, detección y respuesta a emergencias de salud pública, el Banco Mundial realizó un estudio analítico en El Salvador con el objetivo de generar un...
Para apoyar a fortalecer sus capacidades de prevención, detección y respuesta a emergencias de salud pública, el Banco Mundial realizó un estudio analítico en El Salvador con el objetivo de generar un...
This brief reports the findings from innovative high frequency phone surveys (HFPS) on the drivers of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and uptake in the Caribbean among the adult population.