Low-cost energy and other natural resources have played a key role in driving the Vietnamese economy over the past decades. Under the low-carbon development (LCD) scenario, Vietnam can achieve its Vietnam...
India - home to one of the world's largest populations without electricity access - has set the ambitious goal of achieving universal electrification by 2017. 311 million people, a quarter of its population...
India has led the developing world in addressing rural energy problems. By late 2012, the national electricity grid had reached 92 percent of India’s rural villages, about 880 million people. In more remote...
By the late 1990s, the technical and financial performance of the power sector in India had deteriorated to the point where the Government of India had to step in to bail out the state utilities, almost...
As part of its energy sector reforms, the Government of Pakistan plans to reduce spending on electricity subsidies to 0.3-0.4 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) by mid-2016. The reforms will alleviate...