Impact evaluation figures among a broad range of complementary methods that support evidence-based policy. Although this book focuses on quantitative impact evaluation methods, it begins by placing them...
This study analyzed the impact of a community-based preschool program on child development and schooling outcomes in high-poverty areas of rural Mozambique. Preschools were randomly assigned to 30 of 76...
Development programs and policies are typically designed to change outcomes such as raising incomes, improving learning, or reducing illness. Whether or not these changes are actually achieved is a crucial...
Development programs and policies are typically designed to change outcomes such as raising incomes, improving learning, or reducing illness. Whether or not these changes are actually achieved is a crucial...
Poor children face barriers to healthy development even before they are born. Their mothers may not have nutritious food or proper prenatal care, which can harm a baby’s brain development when it needs...
Poor children face barriers to healthy development even before they are born. Their mothers may not have nutritious food or proper prenatal care, which can harm a baby’s brain development when it needs...
The association between hygiene, sanitation, and health is well documented, yet thousands of children die each year from exposure to contaminated fecal matter. At the same time, evidence on the effectiveness...
This brief summarizes the updates from the 2014 paper entitled, Rewarding Provider Performance to Enable a Healthy Start to Life : Evidence from Argentina's Plan Nacer, conducted between between 2004-2008...
Argentina's Plan Nacer provides insurance for maternal and child health care to uninsured families. The program allocates funding to provinces based on enrollment of beneficiaries and adds performance...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Employment generation in rural Africa : mid-term results from an experimental evaluation of the youth opportunities program...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Credit constraints, occupational choice and the process of development : long run evidence from cash transfers in Uganda...
This brief summarizes the investing cash transfers to raise long term living standards in Mexico. The study measures 18 months of exposure to the program. Households receive benefits for a three year period...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled The promise of preschool in Africa : a randomized impact evaluation of early childhood development in rural Mozambique, conducted...
How can we help kids reach their full potential? Experts know that the first years of life are crucial to healthy development. And that's just the start. Children need regular mental and physical stimulation...
In Uganda, researchers evaluated a government program that gave unsupervised cash grants to youth for small business development and training. Based on final results four years after the intervention...
How can we help kids reach their full potential? Experts know that the first years of life are crucial to healthy development. And that's just the start. Children need regular mental and physical stimulation...
How can we help kids reach their full potential? Experts know that the first years of life are crucial to healthy development. And that's just the start. Children need regular mental and physical stimulation...
In Mozambique, net primary school enrollment rates increased from 45 percent in 1998 to 95.5 percent by 2010 (The World Bank, 2011). Despite these gains, children frequently experience delayed entry to...
In Uganda, researchers evaluated a government program that gave unsupervised cash grants to youth for small business development and training. Based on final results four years after the intervention...
In Uganda, researchers evaluated a government program that gave unsupervised cash grants to youth for small business development and training. Based on final results four years after the intervention...