The Foundational Learning Compact Progress Report October 2022–September 2023 presents the progress in FLC activities and provides highlights from its associated trust fund, the Early Learning Partnership...
The Foundational Learning Compact Progress Report October 2022–September 2023 presents the progress in FLC activities and provides highlights from its associated trust fund, the Early Learning Partnership...
The FLC Progress Report showcases initiatives that have helped create tools and knowledge for countries to improve foundational learning through their educational systems. Since it is the first such report...
This is the final Report on the activities supported under the Systems Approach for Better Education Results Umbrella Facility (SABER-UF). This report examines the progress made by the SABER-supported...
The SABER-UF was created in 2013 as a Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) to enable partners and donors to enhance and extend the work done previously by the SABER program, which aimed to help countries strengthen...
Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) is a versatile, analytical approach for assessing distributional and social impacts of policy reforms on different stakeholder groups that aims to support and...