Countries around the world increasingly rely on conditional cash transfers to boost health and education outcomes for the poorest citizens. In developing and middle income countries in Asia, Africa, and...
How can we help kids reach their full potential? Experts know that the first years of life are crucial to healthy development. And that's just the start. Children need regular mental and physical stimulation...
How can we help kids reach their full potential? Experts know that the first years of life are crucial to healthy development. And that's just the start. Children need regular mental and physical stimulation...
Fighting famine is basic to ending poverty and saving lives. Emergency aid, which arrives after the food has run out, isn't enough. Households most in need of emergency aid often don't have enough food...
Societies have a stake in ensuring that their youngest populations receive regular health check-ups and proper medical care when needed. Children whose health is protected and nurtured have a better chance...
How can we help kids reach their full potential? Experts know that the first years of life are crucial to healthy development. And that's just the start. Children need regular mental and physical stimulation...
How can we make schools work better? It is a question being asked around the world. Getting children to school is only the first step. From then on, there's a host of factors that can decide whether children...
Policymakers and development organizations have embraced school feeding programs as a way to help poor children get enough to eat while giving them an incentive to be in school. The programs are not just...
Policymakers throughout the world struggle to boost employment. Creating jobs or giving people the right training to get jobs is not only good economics, but especially in developing countries, it may...
How can we make schools work better? It is a question being asked around the world. Getting children to school is only the first step. From then on, there's a host of factors that can decide whether children...
Policymakers throughout the world struggle to boost employment. Creating jobs or giving people the right training to get jobs is not only good economics, but especially in developing countries, it may...
Policymakers throughout the world struggle to boost employment. Creating jobs or giving people the right training to get jobs is not only good economics, but especially in developing countries, it may...
Youth unemployment is a problem in many developing countries, where labor market opportunities may be further squeezed by rapid rural migration into big cities, the cost of higher education and job seekers'...
Good nutrition is a cornerstone of healthy child development, starting with conception through especially the first two years of life, when malnutrition can have an irreversible impact on growth and brain...
Policymakers and development experts seeking to improve the quality of education are interested in the role technology can play. Not only do they want to use technology to directly aid learning, but they...
Policymakers often struggle to promote improvements in the well-being of the poorest individuals and families. The challenges are many. People living in extreme poverty frequently have multiple needs that...
Policymakers often struggle to promote improvements in the well-being of the poorest individuals and families. The challenges are many. People living in extreme poverty frequently have multiple needs that...
Health experts and policymakers want people to have access to affordable and high-quality medical care. But in some developing countries, making quality healthcare available may first necessitate ensuring...