This paper investigates the interplay between structural and behavioral barriers that discourage pregnant women from accessing institutional care in Haiti, where despite some improvements in the past decades...
Forests and terrestrial ecosystems play a primary environmental role in climate-change mitigation and adaptation. In many developing countries, forests provide ecosystem services and support the livelihoods...
Haiti has the highest maternal mortality rates (MMR) in the Latin America and Caribbean region, and low rates of institutional care contribute to high MMR. Although both structural and behavioral barriers...
This document presents the findings of a behavioral diagnostic on enablers and barriers to preparedness and response decisions and actions among Sri Lankans following a behavioral approach. Sri Lanka is...
Public spaces can be an instrument to increase social cohesion, yet they are often underutilized. This paper presents findings from a randomized virtual reality experiment with more than 2,000 participants...
Given the high exposure in Haiti to natural hazards, ensuring that proper disaster preparedness and response mechanisms are well established and managed can save lives. Systems such as Municipal Civil...
Given the high exposure in Haiti to natural hazards, ensuring that proper disaster preparedness and response mechanisms are well established and managed can save lives. Systems such as Municipal Civil...
Haiti has the highest maternal and neo-natal mortality rates in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Low rates of prenatal and postnatal care, and institutional births, contribute to high levels of...
Haiti has the highest maternal and neo-natal mortality rates in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Low rates of prenatal and postnatal care, and institutional births, contribute to high levels of...
Haiti has the highest maternal and neo-natal mortality rates in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Low rates of prenatal and postnatal care, and institutional births, contribute to high levels of...