Eighteen neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and malaria account together for 22 percent of the total burden of communicable diseases in 25 Francophone African countries (FPACs). The cumulative impact of...
Eighteen neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and malaria account together for 22 percent of the total burden of communicable diseases in 25 Francophone African countries (FPACs). The cumulative impact of...
Despite a substantial improvement in controlling new infections of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) over the last ten years, Mexico is experiencing a low-level epidemic with approximately 180,000 people...
Despite a substantial improvement in controlling new infections of HIV over the last ten years, Mexico is experiencing a low-level epidemic with approximately 180,000 people living with HIV (Spectrum...
Colombia gasta alrededor de doscientos mil millones de pesos en atención y prevención del VIH, distribuido en múltiples programas y varios ejecutores. Con base a este conocimiento, el objetivo del estudio...
Madagascar’s multi-sectoral efforts have helped to reduce the burden of neglected tropical diseases (NTD), which has declined from 5,975 disability adjusted life years (DALYs) per 100,000 people in 1990...
El objetivo del estudio es realizar el análisis de eficiencia distributiva de VIH mediante una herramienta técnica denominada Óptima VIH, que consiste en un modelo matemático de progresión de la transmisión...
El objetivo del estudio es analizar alternativas de asignación de recursos que logren maximizar resultados de salud, así como estimar el costo de algunas de las metas planteadas en el Plan Estratégico...
This study analyzes the national and inter-provincial burden of disease, the demographics of new HIV cases, the demand and supply-sides of service delivery, and conducts a cost-benefit analysis of the...
Argentina reduced its HIV/AIDS burden by 21 percent from 2000 to 2010, saving an estimated 4,379 lives. This makes Argentina’s HIV/AIDS burden the second lowest in South America after Chile. Argentina...
Bolivia is a lower-middle income country, but one of the poorest in South America, with a per capita GNI of US$ 5,750 in 2013 and an average GNI growth rate of 4.4 percent during the last ten years. Nearly...
This study analyzes the national and inter-provincial burden of disease, the demographics of new HIV cases, the demand and supply-sides of service delivery, and conducts a cost-benefit analysis of the...
This study analyzes the national and inter-provincial burden of disease, the demographics of new HIV cases, the demand and supply-sides of service delivery, and conducts a cost-benefit analysis of the...
Argentina reduced its HIV/AIDS burden by 21 percent from 2000 to 2010, saving an estimated 4,379 lives. This makes Argentina’s HIV/AIDS burden the second lowest in South America after Chile. Argentina...