This report focuses on East Asia's sustainable energy development in its middle-income countries: China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. This report suggests the strategic...
Before the current economic crisis hit the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region in 2008, energy security was a major source of concern in Central and Eastern Europe and in many of the economies in the...
The survey results show that despite the decline in private investment in developing countries, international investors remain guardedly interested in these markets and would prefer to see adequate cash...
This paper outlines how a World Bank Partial Risk Guarantee (PRG) may be used to promote private sector investment in electricity distribution utilities. The paper explains how a PRG could backstop a government...
This sourcebook was written to assist low-income countries with the development and strengthening of their poverty reduction strategies. This book has been designed as a resource for analysis and discourse...
This sourcebook was written to assist low-income countries with the development and strengthening of their poverty reduction strategies. This book has been designed as a resource for analysis and discourse...
This report proposes a strategy for developing competitive pool markets in China's power sector and for increasing energy trade between competitive pool markets areas. A three-stage approach is offered...
Project financing of independent power producers (IPPs) may seem the only solution to the intractable problem of getting private credit to the power sector. In the developing world, however, the public-private...
Restructuring regulation of the railroad industry. A template for power reform. Lessons from power sector reform in England and Wales. Private power financing from project finance to corporate finance...
This Note is a contribution to an ongoing debate about the subsidies and rebates provided by power utilities to encourage consumers to adopt efficient end-use appliances. The argument presented here does...