Technology is one of the primary determinants of the competitiveness of manufacturing firms. Since practically all the technologies in use are imported from the developed countries and their application...
The objective of this study is to examine the degree to which foreign direct investment (FDI) and technological activity have contributed to export competitiveness and economic growth in East Asia. The...
Globalization has increased competitive pressures on firms. Together with rapid technological change, it has altered the environment in which firms operate. While globalization offers unprecedented opportunities...
Globalization has increased competitive pressures on firms. Together with rapid technological change, it has altered the environment in which firms operate. While globalization offers unprecedented opportunities...
The Bank has played an important role, through its project lending, in enhancing borrowers' technological capabilities. It has helped borrowers to select appropriate and cost-effective technologies and...
Private sector development (PSD) is at the center of Egypt's current economic reform program. The Government of Egypt, in partnership with the Egyptian private sector, launched a multi-stage effort that...
Private sector development (PSD) is at the center of Egypt's current economic reform program. The Government of Egypt, in partnership with the Egyptian private sector, launched a multi-stage effort that...
This paper (and the accompanying transcript of Mr. Jaycox's remarks to a panel discussion) is on the debt problems of seriously affected countries in the Eastern and Southern Africa region. It classifies...