Tanzania’s rapid labor productivity growth has been accompanied by a proliferation of small, largely informal firms. Using Tanzania’s first nationally representative survey of micro, small, and medium-sized...
The Tanzania Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) 2017 identifies priority actions in support of the country's strategy to deliver broad-based growth through trade integration. The study seeks to...
Regional trade in Africa can play a vital role in diversifying economies and reducing dependence on the export of a few mineral products, in delivering food and energy security, in generating jobs for...
The chapters in part one provides the overall context of light manufacturing in Tanzania. Chapter one presents the rationale for the study, the potential of the sector in creating jobs and prosperity for...
Export diversification and expansion is an integral part of the Government of Tanzania's trade and competitiveness strategy. Nontraditional agricultural exports, notably in fish and horticulture products...
The household enterprise sector has a significant role in the Tanzanian economy. It employs a larger share of the urban labor force than wage employment, and is increasingly seen as an alternative to agriculture...
This note provides analysis concerning the institutional framework under which the zones program is developed and administered in Tanzania. It examines various institutional and administrative structures...
Using World Bank's (2003) firm-level Investment Climate Survey (ICS) data for Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, this paper examines extent in which education and skill levels are important determinants of Firm-based...